Learning Resources

learning resources

If it is time for a story and you want to treat you kids to a professional reading. At storyline you will be able to play streaming videos of dozens of famous actors reading childrens books for free. Kids will be thrilled to hear stories read by folks who know how to bring the written words to life. The site which is sponsored by the screen Actors Guild, offers accompanying activities and lesson ideas for each book. For a free online guide to the best children literature go to the reading planet website Rif Reading Planet sponsored by Reading is Fundamental Inc., the largest nonprofit childrens literacy organization. Children can post reviews of their favorite books, write their own endings to stories, and create word puzzles. Well designed science experiments are worth their weight in gold and the Charles Edison Fund website provides plenty of them for free. Go to charles edison fund. Experiments concentrate heavily on energy, including electricity and nuclear. Each hands on project offers simple directions, is inexpensive to conduct and can be downloaded directly from the website.

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